himself. What is the Santiago Sevillano strategy
in terms of Social Networking?
There are many and they are varied, but they
always insist on quality, even in the smallest
detail. Visibility in networks and awards has
been become the Trojan horse that allows you
to seek projects and companies where one has
never been previously able to enter. Right now,
it has become big business.
Just like the world of fashion, fashion trends
in the habitat business change at a breakneck
speed .Do you take into account the behavior
of habitat consumers when working with
Yes and no. Sometimes, not even companies
can give you a briefing because they themselves
don’t know. So you have to create a “sales-
theatre” and a framework of action setting
out where to move and how to communicate
in parallel with the product or service. There
are other brands that, on the contrary, have
created their own ecosystem where they decide
what actions to take. It depends a lot on the
company, brand, timing, needs, and also on the
assignment. A consumer of ‘luxury’ products
does not have the same ‘inputs’ as a consumer
of mega-stores. And the two can be the same
person. The same brand or company can even
serve both consumers with catalogs created at
different communicative levels
At the work level, how have you experienced
the pandemic?
With stress and uncertainty. We have adapted
to teleworking, we have seen many companies
and business models fall and others grow like
We have tried to help our clients as much as we
can, speeding up and optimizing processes. The
Pandemic has made me reach unimaginable
milestones and new paradigms. It has been an
internal evolution as a brand and as a studio.
I have to praise the great professionalism of
all of us who make up the Santiago Sevillano
Studio, because we have become a close-knit
family and a well-oiled productive machine,
despite going through some bad personal moments.
At a global level, a consequence of this year of
crisis has been the lack and the increase in price
of raw materials. What we are living now is
a bubble, we do not know how long it will last,
doped up by a series of interests that cannot
control themselves. However, at the local level,
a new commitment is being made to the ethnic,
the local, the self-owned and the familiar. The
Industries that have opted for the proximity of
their resources and the viability of their projects
and clients, without depending on third
parties, will triumph in this new paradigm.
You are a faithful defender for changing the
model to a circular economy. Do you think
that habitat companies are ready to adopt
this industrial model?
Yes, but it will depend on your needs and your
business model. You have to educate, raise
awareness and set an example. This last year
we have taken a qualitative and quantitative
leap, even a philosophical one. Forced dehumanization
has made us more human and
visionary in the act of communicating and in
generating social perception. As I see it, habitat
companies will evolve towards the construction
of interconnected ecosystems, as the
automotive industry has done, with their own
particular and circular procedures where economic
balances and social profitability can be
achieved throughout all their dimensions. If
companies do not join together and help each
other they will in the end be bought out by
large investment groups, where they will definitely
lose their identity.
You have worked with some of the most important
furniture firms in our country, what
have you learned from each of them?
I couldn’t say, in 20 years everything has changed
so much and sometimes everything is so
similar ... Life is cyclical. There have been hundreds
of experiences, I could not list them. On
the one hand, perhaps cooperation, being one
more part of an entire project, even though
the design is the core project. On the other
hand the facility to create opportunities. Time
has made the habitat business sector evolve
for the better.
Since you are a “restless soul”, how do you
see yourself in 20 years?
I hope that I am living and contributing.